Mittwoch, 1. Oktober 2014

Fünftens - boylove, Radioflyers-Tribe

Radioflyers Tribe used to be an American site to distribute honest and sound pictures and informations about the great and wide appearance of young men and boys between 12 and 20 - pointing to their exceptional beauty and cultural creativity. But for some un-understandable reason the site disappeared. Now I shall try to revitalize a few aspects of the old site publishing a few pictures and my small stories in German. My remembrance is based on European boys´ fashions of the 1920s to 1960s. My main interest layed in the wearing of long stockings and skirts/kilts. As a boy I also wore long stockings (and still do) and longed for them over many years, and I wish that boys will wear them again.

For some people long stockings are very desirable for various reasons,.

Please comment.

So I made many drawings to illustrate some of my tales, 
on this page are a few: see below.

The majority is here: .

Many tales include the wearing 
of long stockings and/or skirts by boys and girls.
You may find them in this list:
chapter "Meine langen Strümpfe" (my long stockings):
numbers 027, 823, 022, 023 (the drawings),
chapter "021 - meine Knabenträumereien" (my boy´s  dreams)

And finally in India: 
" "


Boys in the age from 10 to 20 are free enough to develop new ideas of creativity - if they are left independent to follow their own authentic character.

A few of these boys may experiment with historical  long stockings,
see this book: "Kein Zurück" by Jan-Pascal Schütte Lanz, the story 
of a very daring and free boy.

The old fashion to fix kids´ stockings, the suspenders/garters
were fastened at a bodice (Leibchen):

For children up to 10: boy showing his bodice
to which the suspenders are buttoned.

From 10 or 11 onwards a suspender belt was often used -
like the mothers had it.

The fastening technique.

 An older way to fasten long stockings - 
for older boys up to 20: the original round garter.

American advertisement for boys´ stockings

Similar to our long stockings were the leggings worn by 
the original North American inhabitants -
my dreams at the age of 14 after reading Steuben´s book 
on Tecumseh: living as a boy of American Indians, 
wearing leggings instead of long trousers.

 The approach to Dundee (Scotland), 
visitíng the land of kilts (remained a dream):
long stockings under my kilt.

 Country side Scotland about 1905
 (my own interpretation after having seen scottish soldiers 
and a few of their kids in Hamelin after WW II)

 Being equiped by my mother with stockings and suspenders,
my legs were protected by woollen stockings.
Short Lederhosen on top.

Copied from an old painting:
freedom of childhood - also in the Highlands?

  Lars´ and Sefan´s  love 1950 - A

 Lars´ and Stefan´s love 1950 - B

   Lars´ and Stefan´s love 1950 - C
Lars´ seduction in girlish attire.

The princes of Belgium 1912, wearing elegant white long stockings.

European boys after the cruelties of WW II: 
their beloved long stockings did a soul healing work.

Boylove in detail

Boy helping beloved girlfriend - often
girls and boys wore identical suspender belts
and stockings.

 Look into the Web:

the total list of my blogs:  : -->  Meine langen Strümpfe


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